Autism Spectrum Modeling Videos

Polite Interruption #1 Polite Interruption #2 Polite Interruption #3 Rude Refusal #1 Polite Refusal #1
Hallway Greeting - Bad Example #1 Hallway Greeting - Bad Example #2 Hallway Greeting - Good Example Rude Refusal #2 Polite Refusal #2
Personal Space with Teachers - Good Example Personal Space in Line - Good Example Personal Space at Desk - Good Example Using a Break Card - Part 1
Personal Space with Teachers - Bad Example Personal Space in Line - Bad Example Personal Space at Desk - Bad Example Using a Break Card - Part 2

Interruption #1 
This is a polite choice when you have to interrupt people talking.

Interruption #2 
This is another polite way to interrupt when people are talking.


Interruption #3 
This is another polite way to interrupt when people are talking.

Hallway Greeting - Bad Example #1 
This is not a nice way to greet people in the hall at school.


Hallway Greeting - Bad Example#2 
This is not a nice way to greet people in the hall at school.

Hallway Greeting - Good Example 
This is a caring way to greet people in the hall at school.


Refusal#1 - Good Example
This is a more polite way to refuse to participate and makes people feel good.

Refusal#1 - Bad Example
This is a rude way to refuse if you don't want to do something. It hurts people's feelings.

Refusal#2 - Good Example
This is a more polite way to refuse to participate and not hurt people's feelings.

Refusal#2 - Bad Example 
This is a rude way to refuse to participate. It hurts people's feelings.    


Personal Space with Teachers - Good Example 
Teachers are happy when you make a choice to keep your hands to yourself.

Personal Space with Teachers - Bad Example
It is not okay to touch teachers without their permission.


Personal Space in Line - Good Example 
It is polite to keep your hands to yourself.

Personal Space in Line - Bad Example
When we are in line, we keep our hands to ourselves.


Using a Break Card_Part1
Sometimes you need to take a break from the classroom. Here is a polite way to take a break.

Using a Break Card_Part 2 
Making a choice is a good way to care for your learning.


Personal Space at Your Desk - Good Example
It is polite to touch your own things at your desk.

Personal Space at Desk - Bad Example 
It is not polite to touch friends without permission.


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 Updated March 5, 2011

Walt Sutterlin © 2011. All rights reserved. All works published on are copyright protected and may not be used, reprinted, retransmitted, or altered in whole or in part without express written permission of Walt Sutterlin.